I Double Ogg Dare You
6HR & 3HRI Double Ogg Dare You
Sunday, April 28, 2024 @ 8AM
Race Location:
- Top of Ogg road, within Shawnee Mission Park
- Park address: 7900 Renner Rd, Lenexa, KS 66219
- Parking available in the swim beach parking lot
- Volunteers will help direct parking. You will need to walk from the parking lot to the top of Ogg Road (approximately ¼ mile). We will have a place to put finish bags if you want to avoid walking back to your car before the race. There are no lights in the parking lot so you may need a headlamp for secure vision while walking to registration
Packet Pickup:
- Morning of race only.
- Packet pickup begins at 7:00 – 7:45 am at the top of Ogg Rd in the gravel parking lot at the start/finish.
Race Description:
- Start at the top of Ogg road off of the gravel parking lot. Run down to the base of the road, just before Midland drive, turn around and run back up. Turn around will be marked and volunteers will direct you. You will cross over a timing mat on your way back up Ogg. Circle through the gravel lot to cross over another timing mat. Each lap consists of 1.1 mile, and has approximately 180ft of gain.
- Runners will run as many laps as they can in a 3 or 6hr period. Only full laps count.
- Race will be held, rain or shine.
- 6hr: $75 through January 31. $90 through April 27. $100 race day.
- 3hr: $60 through January 31. $75 through September 21. $85 race day
- See here for information about entries for Black, Indigenous, Runners of Color, and LGBTQIA+ runners.
- The race will be chip timed by Show-Me Running Company. Chips will be provided to be tied to your shoes. Do NOT fold the chips. Please be mindful of walking near the timing mats while at the aid station. If you choose to end early during the 6hr event, please turn in your chips to the timers. You must cross over both timing mats for your laps to count. If you do not cross over the timing mats, or wear your chip, laps will not count. Race Directors will have final say over any discrepancy or issues.
Aid Station:
- There will be one aid station in the gravel lot at the top of Ogg road.
- Water, Tailwind, pringles, candy, sandwiches, Coke, Ginger Ale, Mountain Dew, cookies, saltines, pretzels, and other assorted snacks. Vegan and gluten free options will be available. We will be using more prepackaged foods this year due to Covid.
- Pizza will be available for 6 hr runners and and volunteers between 12 and 1pm.
- First aid, vaseline, bug spray, sunscreen, wipes also available. No Advil/Tylenol/Aspirin will be provided. Take those items at your own risk.
- Runners will be allowed to set up mini aid station areas for themselves around the start finish in a designated area. We suggest bringing a chair!
- This is a CUPLESS event; see rules for specifications.
Race Rules:
- No poles allowed (contact RD’s if medical/extenuating circumstances)
- No pacers allowed. Crew and friends allowed at start/finish. Please be mindful of our timing people and the aid station and stay out of their way.
- No alcohol (this is a park rule, please don’t get us into trouble)
- Personal music devices are allowed as long as headphones are used and you maintain a volume that allows you to hear other runners. We recommend either one earbud only or bone conduction headphones. If we receive complaints, the RD’s reserve the right to ask you to turn off your music. No speakers, no music without headphones.
- No dogs allowed on the course, though they may be leashed and under control at start finish
- No partial laps, only full laps will count. If you cut the course in any way you are automatically disqualified.
- Official distances will be based on wheel measured course markings not personal GPS watches.
- No spectators are allowed on the course, though they are allowed around the start/finish area.
- This is a CUPLESS event. You are responsible for providing your own water bottle or cup. There will be a table provided if you would like to leave your cup or bottle at the aid station rather than carry it with you. This applies to both the 5k and 6hr. Please consider bringing one for water and one for soda or tailwind. We will have cups available for sale for $10 at registration.
- All participants will receive bomb ass swag (TBA).
Awards/ Results:
- Each runner will receive a patch or a year patch (if you ran last year) as a finishers award upon completion of their race.
- Top 3 awards for women, men, and non-binary finishers will be given.
- Finishers will be based on most laps completed. In the event of a tie, the winner is whomever completed those laps faster. Anyone who can run a marathon or further during the 6hr will receive a tech shirt personalized with their mileage (mailed out after the race-they’re printed to order). 24 laps makes a marathon.
- Results will be listed on ultrasignup
Schedule of Events:
- 7:00am 7:45am Packet Pickup
- 7:50am pre-race briefing
- 8:00am start
- 11:00am end of 3hr race
- 11:15am awards ceremony for 3hr
- 2:00pm end of 6hr race
- 2:15pm awards ceremony for 6hr
Previous Race Results
I Double Ogg Dare You Race Reviews
Jason Silvers Race Review
In this episode, I run the “I Double Ogg Dare You” race from hell. Watch as 28 of Kansas City’s craziest masochists run up and down an 18 story tall, half-mile-long hill as many times as possible in a 6-hour period. #hillrepeats #idoubleoggdareyou
Todd Chandler Race Review
Team Sparkle Productions hosted an insane timed endurance event where the goal was to run up and down the steep hill on Ogg Road as many times as you could in 6 hours. I was well rested off a strong spring and summer and had an awesome day, placing 3rd place male and 9th overall with 29.7 miles. Love the community on this and think I will definitely have to do this again
Current Course Records

6 HR Race
Men: Cody Jones 40 laps 2024
Women: Sklyar Allen 36.3 laps 2023
3 HR Race
Men: Andrew Price 18 laps 2023
Women: Terri White 16 laps 2023
Non-Binary: Marissa Taylor 7 laps 2023