Team Sparkle

Hills Training Program - Spring & Fall

Fall Session: Aug 15- Oct 24

This 11 week training program will meet every Thursday night at 6pm at different locations around the KC metro, to run hill repeats with an amazing and supportive community!  We meet at 6pm and start running by 6:15pm on the dot every Thursday from August 11 through October 24.  After each run we hang out and enjoy cold drinks and camaraderie and talk all things running and life. 

This program is aimed at getting runners ready for the hills of the KC Marathon, but you do not have to run the KC Marathon or ANY race to participate. If you just want to get better at running hills and do it in a fun and supportive way, than this is for you! 

ALL PACES WELCOME!  (All means ALL!). This group is open to anyone over the age of 18 and who can comfortably run or briskly walk/hike 1-1.5 miles.